The following are some of my main research interests:
- Proof theory, particularly of
- Gentzen’s sequent calculus and the theory of focusing
- Deep inference
- Induction and co-induction
- Interactive theorem proving
- The design of formal proof languages
- Direct manipulation for interactivity
- Automated theorem proving, particularly in linear logic
- Formalized meta-theory
- Substructural and modal logics
- Dependent type systems
Projects and grants
- Exploratory Action IMPROOF (2023–2026)
- Labex Digicosme LFAT (2019–2022)
- Inria Associate Team RAPT (2011–2013)
- ANR-FWF PRCI FISP, 2015–2019 (partner member)
- CPCFQ (Canada) project PROMIS, 2010–2015 (partner member)
- ANR-FWF PRCI STRUCTURAL, 2011–2013 (partner member)